Consecutive Holidays (including Weekends) Yande Blvd. Traffic Control Notice:
Uphill Traffic Control:
The time for uphill traffic control is from 8 AM to 3 PM. The checkpoint for uphill traffic will be established at the intersection of Yangde Blvd. and Zhicheng Rd. (a.k.a. the entrance of Fuxing Bridge) by Police department of Taipei City Government. Vehicles (excluding taxis, trucks, and shuttle buses) won’t be able to enter Yangde Blvd.
Downhill Traffic Control:
The time for downhill traffic control is from 2 PM to 6 PM0. Police department of Taipei City Government will establish the check point at the intersection in front of “Teacher’s Center of Research and Study”. Vehicles (excluding taxis, trucks and shuttle buses) need to change their route downhill.
Flower Season in Yangmingshan: Transportation department of Taipei City Government will arrange additional traffic control measures on Yangde Blvd. Please check related information on the website of Transportation department of Taipei City Government:
(Material Origin: Website of Transportation department of Taipei City Government)